Submission Types and Guidelines Research Track

Long research papers reporting on complete research (16 pages maximum excluding references); short research papers reporting on work in progress (8 pages maximum excluding references); position papers reflecting on emerging topics (4-8 pages excluding references); demonstration papers showcasing novel aspects or providing the opportunity to interact (4-8 pages maximum excluding references). Moreover, we specifically invite industry to submit relevant showcases as position or demo papers to the workshop.

RecTour 2024 submissions should be prepared in PDF format using the CEUR-ART style (single column). An Overleaf template is available at An offline version, which also contains a Word template, can be downloaded from The peer review process is single-blind and will be handled electronically through EasyChair: (Track: RecTour: “Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism”).

Accepted papers will be included in the RecTour 2024 proceedings and at least one author of each accepted contribution must attend the workshop. After acceptance, no additional authors can be added.

Submission Process

  • Submission deadline: August 2nd, 2024 extended to August 16th, 2024
  • Notification: August 27th, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: September 10th, 2024

Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.